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Gold Detectors

There is a saying in regards to Metal Detectors that any Metal Detector can find gold. In short this is somewhat true BUT not all Metal Detectors can cut through the high iron and mineralisation found in Australia's gold bearing ground. 

This is why you need a specialised Gold Detector when out Detecting for Gold. A Gold Detector has high-tech circuitry that helps the detector cut through all the noise created by iron hot rocks and ground mineralisation. A standard metal detector will be triggered by all the interference and can become chatty, noisy and will not be able to discriminate between gold and iron or ground mineralisation, making it extremely difficult if not impossible to use in gold baring ground. 

Gold Detectors run at a higher frequency compared to standard metal detectors which is one of the things that helps them cut through the interference that Gold Bearing Ground gives out.

There are 2 main types of metal detectors used for Gold Hunting. P.I or Pulse Induction Detectors and VLF Detectors or Very Low Frequency. PI Machines are really only used for dedicated gold hunting. They are controlled by knobs and buttons and do not come with LCD Display screens, so you are solely relying on your ears to decipher your target. PI Detectors are also much heavier and consume more power than a VLF Detector so muscle fatigue can occur when out for long periods of time.

With our range of easy to use VLF Gold Detectors, you can use them to hunt Gold but they are also very versatile for all other types of metal detecting here in Australia. Our Range of VLF Gold Detectors can be used for Beach Detecting, Coin Detecting, Treasure and Relic Detecting.

As they all come with waterproof search coils they can be used in creeks, dams, lake and river edges and in salt water, so you are really getting multiple metal detectors in one machine. As these all come with a large LCD Display, you can actually see your your target represented on screen by a number as well as hearing different tones for different metal types. This means that you are not solely relying on your ears. Having numbers for target types lets you learn what you are finding so you can quickly ascertain what your target might be.  VLF Detectors are also very light and use much less power so they can be used for long periods of time without causing fatigue both in you and your battery.

Below you will find your perfect VLF Gold Detector that will keep you in the hunt no matter what you are looking for. 

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